Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Couric interviews Palin: The latest

Katie Couric of CBS interviewed Alaskan governor and Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin last night. I haven't had a chance to watch the interview yet, being that I'm currently in class, but I figured I might as well provide the vid for ya'll to watch. Don't worry, I'll provide my highly solicited input* later.

*Note sarcasm.

Update: So while watching the interview, I found it hard to not just break out in laughter every once in a while. I feel that Gov. Palin would elicit so much more respect if she would just answer a question, specifically, the FIRST time she is asked. She rambles on, sort of defensively and nonsensically, and is prone to try and preface her answers with long, rambling anecdotes and vague philosophies, only to subsequently provide no actual answer to the question. I mean, people like to think of this woman as some kind of spitfire, but her only specialty seems to be providing digs to the other party that McCain has never had the hutzpah to. She can't hold her own, in my own opinion, and I fully expect people to contest that opinion, but I would like to see her logically answer a question, the first time, and provide something substantive, rather than this bullshit "I have a gay best friend" nonsense. Thursday's debate shall be interesting to say the least.


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