Saturday, October 18, 2008


The reason for my prolonged hiatus from posting: midterms.

I'll be back in commission soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just for LOLs


For even more fun, try playing them at the same time.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just for LOLs

Check out the latest 23/6 segment titled "Palin-ing!" It is purdy spot-on and quite hilarious!

Get the latest news satire and funny videos at


Letterman still beating that dead horse

Put your stick down, Dave. I mean, sure you're providing us with passive aggressive not-so-humorous humor. But really? Get. Over. It.


SNL strikes again

Ya'll have probably already seen this clip, but if you haven't I have it here for your viewing pleasure. Saturday Night Live aired a special segment Thursday night mocking Tuesday's presidential debate between Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain.

Check it out.

Obama is a hooligan according to this man

McCain agrees.

They are mad. They've made that much clear.
