Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain's latest ad distorts Obama policy

I'm lovin' the reality checks the New York Times is doing lately. This is what it comes down to in the final months before Election Day, unfortunately. Instead of focusing on the issues, we're focusing on spin. And accolades are in order to the media (correction: some media) for doing their job properly and calling these politicians out.

Perhaps you saw Mr. McCain's most recent TV spot chastising Mr. Obama on his education policies. It criticized the Hawaiian native for favoring "comprehensive sex education" for kindergarten students.

"Learning about sex before learning to read?" the narrator asks. The accusation however, disproportionately skewed the record.

The main objective of the legislation McCain speaks of pertaining to kindergarteners, is to teach them how to defend themselves against sexual predators, not to teach comprehensive sex education like it would for age-appropriate students. In fact, the legislation WAS comprehensive, vis-รก-vis grades K-12, not education-wise.

Nice spin there Mac. I wonder if Barack will deem him a "skilled politician" as well.


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