Saturday, November 08, 2008

I spoke too soon

Disregarding my last post, I feel it incumbent to share this video of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin on CNN calling those mean ol' McCain aides "jerks." As I'm sure y'all recall, in the final days of the presidential campaign there was a lot of name calling going on. McCain aides called our dear Miss Palin a "diva," said she was difficult to brief for her debates and interviews and revealed that she really is as dumb less intelligent than we all thought she was when it comes to geography and ya know, basic knowledge.

God bless her.



Anonymous said...

She obviously is threatening to lefties if you're still bashing her. After all she lost the election.

Bethany said...

The only way Miss Alaska could be threatening is if she straps on one of those guns she likes to hunt with. And the reason people are still talking about her is because we're all still incredulous that she was ever tapped and made her way into this politics game -- she makes for some good comic relief.