Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell endorses Obama

As has been speculated this week, Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell announced his endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama on MSNBC's Meet the Press today. Powell had said he would make this announcement after the conventions and debates and has finally broken his silence. Watch him explain his reason below.

I am so glad Gen. Powell touched on the Muslim point. In all honesty, that has been incredibly disconcerting to me since 9/11, but especially in this campaign season. It has frustrated me to no end and it was very touching to hear Powell describe this problem in depth and with such eloquence. I wish it was something more Americans would take the time to think about. Every time someone claims "Oh, Obama is a Muslim," people's first instinct is to say "No, he's not.. he's Christian," but what they should be saying is "What if he is?" Why is that any less American than being Christian? I feel deeply on this subject and hope people take the time to watch the above video.


1 comment:

Lodo Grdzak said...

Jesus--think he went to bat for Barack hard enough? I like the way he continuously draws a distinction between McCain the man and McCain the campaign. He makes a similir, consistent distinction between McCain and the Republican Party. Between you and me (and Blogspot), if it were simply a matter of Obama vs. McCain I'd probably lean toward McCain. But its more than that--its Republicans vs. Democrats. And its time for Republicans to get the fuck out!!!!