Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin on CNN

Republican vice presidential nom Sarah Palin appeared on CNN tonight where she sat down with Drew Griffin for her first interview on the network. 

The Alaskan governor spoke on her plans for reform once in office, beamed at Griffin's suggestion that she has more executive experience than Sen. Obama, corrected some of the misconceptions about Tasergate, or Troopergate as it's been called, and suckered Griffin into her web of cuteness when asked if Sen. Biden had gotten a pass with his comment that there would be an international crisis if Barack Obama were elected president, to which Griffin looked like a smitten school boy. I've provided the videos below, or you can read the full transcript of the interview here

[Source: cnn.com]


Anonymous said...

I see you left off the video when Drew shows he is either dishonest or incompetent

Bethany said...

Actually these were the only videos of the interview on CNN the time I posted this. I'll check back later.