Sunday, November 09, 2008 "It's A New Day"

Black Eyed Peas frontman debuted his new Obama Victory Song music video "It's A New Day" on Oprah Friday. Here it is for your viewing pleasure or disdain: really has been behind Obama now for a very long time. He's worked to further his campaign and really secure his victory and I have to say this might be one of the most genuine celebrity "endorsements" (for lack of a better word) of sorts I've seen so far. The election may be over, but we have seen hordes of celeb PSAs that came off condescending and just plain annoying. I mean when you have people who are rich from looking pretty on screen undermining your intelligence with reverse psychology PSAs and talking to you like you're a child who can't choose between the red popsicle or the blue popsicle, it gets a little annoying. Or maybe that's just me. All in all though, I really can't hate on them, they are doing what they can to get the message out there that we need to exercise our civic duty and I suppose they deserve props for that.

Anyways, now that I'm done with my tangent, I have to say that's video really touched me and it really does feel like a "new day" here in America.


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